CyBio Well vario pipettor configured for MALDI sample prep including 10 position circular transport system and tip wash

Automated MALDI-TOF Sample Prep MALDI target preparation for uHTS

Picture-perfect MALDI spots with ultra-high throughput automation

Bringing the analytical power of MALDI-TOF-MS to uHTS

  • MALDI spotting of 1536 samples in <10 minutes
  • Parallel transfers of 96, 384 and 1536 samples with CyBio Well vario
  • No interferences thanks to intelligent washing routines
  • Highly homogenous target spots thanks to active sample drying
  • Highly precise spotting for reliable, automated analysis
  • Software for process planning, matrix injection, washing and drying

Several hundred thousand samples in a single run

Analytik Jena brings extensive automation and liquid handling experience to automated sample preparation for uHTS applications supplying a walk away automation solution for MALDI-TOF-MS able to handle several hundred thousand samples in a single run.

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Customized MALDI automation solutions

With matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization time-of-flight MS (MALDI-TOF-MS) mass spectrometry now available in a 1536 format, the use of MALDI-TOF high throughput screening (HTS) in pharmaceutical drug discovery is expanding.  Analytik Jena supplies all application demands for reliable MALDI automation, from a standalone sample preparation workstation to a complex integration. The solution enables 1536 samples to be spotted onto a MALDI target plate in less than 10 minutes, facilitating continuous sample reads in a screening environment.

Small volume and high precision MALDI spot generation

The liquid handling demands for sample preparation in high-density are diverse. The robust and precise CyBio Well vario 1536 pipettor ensures sample integrity and result reproducibility in either 384‑ or 1536-well formats by spotting an entire target plate in a single transfer.

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On-target MALDI spot washing reduces salt interferences

On-target washing enhances detection capabilities of target molecules in complex assay buffers and thus accelerates assay development. The desalting function of on-target washing significantly improves both the assay conditions and the measurement results. The CyBio Well vario Head 1536/8μl can complete on-target washing for 1536 samples in less than 60 s.

Active Drying creates homogeneous MALDI target spots

The "Active Dryer" is an important element of the automation for MALDI-TOF-MS sample preparation. By enabling controlled crystallization conditions, the active dryer allows faster sample preparation and creation of extremely homogeneous sample spots.

Smart accessories perfect for MALDI sample preparation

To avoid sample carry-over, tip washing between spotting of assay plates is essential. The CyBio Well vario offers automated and optimized tip washing steps in 384- or 1536-well format. Thanks to highly efficient washing stations, no cross-contaminations can be detected after three washing cycles.

Modular and scalable automation solutions

Based on a modular system, the degree of automation can be freely configured by the customer. In addition to high-quality liquid handling equipment, Analytik Jena also offers fully automated automation solutions tailored to each customers' needs.

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Scheduling software

Software is the key element for automation systems. Our powerful and scalable software packages allow detailed control of all components for MALDI-TOF sample preparation as well as easy handling of complex scheduling tasks. Thanks to its sophisticated software and scheduling concept, the HTS CyBio automation solution for MALDI-TOF-MS sample preparation is capable of preparing the specific sample plates within the same time as the mass spectrometer can measure them (< 10 min). This allows the screening of one million samples in less than five days.

  • CyBio Composer
  • CyBio Scheduler
  • CyBio AppStudio

Air-Drying Versus Active Drying

Active sample drying has a significant impact on the quality of subsequent analysis. The following comparison images illustrate how you can generate more homogeneous and thus higher-quality spots by actively drying MALDI-TOF-MS samples.

Technology MALDI Sample Preparation

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Configuration Examples MALDI Sample Preparation

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Automation Systems for MALDI-TOF-MS Sample Preparation

Automated Pipette Robot - CyBio FeliX Flexible and fully automatic multi-channel pipetting robot

Learn more: CyBio FeliX

Multichannel Automated Pipette - CyBio Well vario

Learn more about CyBio Well vario

Web Seminars

MALDI-TOF Sample Prep – Scale up to 1 Mio. Samples a Week

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