multi N/C x300 Series Perfect balance between samples of all kinds
- Versatile configuration and automation options
- High robustness even for samples containing particles
- Easy handling and optimized processes
- New intuitive software with live results display
multi N/C x300 series Choose the optimal model for your requirements
multi N/C 2300
The Specialist
A combustion device specializing in the analysis of particle-rich samples and samples that are only present in small volumes.
multi N/C 3300
The Allrounder
Particle-rich, salt-containing, or very pure samples? A combustion analyzer optimized for high throughput that offers the perfect balance between samples of all kinds.
multi N/C 4300 UV
The Trace Detector
An extremely sensitive and precise UV digestion device, which is ideally suited for ultra-pure water analysis - in the trace range even without persulfate.
What Our Customers Say
"Excellent application consulting"
"As a waste disposal company, we have been using a multi N/C for DOC analysis in eluates and wastewater samples for more than seven years. The parameter with associated values is part of the German landfill ordinance for waste analysis. We were convinced by the measuring accuracy of the instruments, but above all by the excellent application consulting during the purchase and the very reliable technical support and service. With Analytik Jena, we have a partner we can rely on."
Holger Karge, IAG lhlenberger Abfallentsorgungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany
"This instrument is robust – a real lab routine mainstay"
"The instrument is ideally suited for the analysis of all types of water – from ultrapure and drinking water to industrial waste water. The multi N/C 3100 is robust and a real lab routine mainstay. The short reaction times and the excellent cooperation with regular representatives are not only of assistance to my laboratory, but to me personally as well."
Dr. Ralph Zimmer, Lead Analytical Manager Dow Böhlen#
Easy maintenance, high throughput with NPOC
“The equipment can be very easily maintained, and maintenance costs can be kept to a minimum. Through the automatic acidification function, 40 or more samples can be acidified at once to perform analysis using the NPOC method.“
Da-Ae Choi, Senior Researcher at Seongnam Water Restoration Center, Korea
Determination of Soil Microbial Biomass by TOC/TNb Measurement (EN)
TOC Determination in Raw and Drinking Water (EN)
Determination of TOC in Agricultural Soil, Dried Manure, and Sediments (EN)
Bestimmung der mikrobiellen Biomasse in Böden mittels TOC/TNb-Messung (DE)
TOC-Wiederfindung in partikelhaltigen Proben mit dem Cellulose-Test nach DIN EN 1484 (DE)
TOC Recovery in Particle-Containing Samples with the Cellulose Test According to DIN EN 1484 (EN)
Bestimmung des TOC/TNb und des DOC/DNb in Oberflächenwässern nach ISO 20236 (DE)
Determination of TOC/TNb and DOC/DNb in Surface Water According to ISO 20236 (EN)
TIC-Bestimmung in Amin-Absorptionslösungen zur Effizienzsteuerung der CO2-Emissionsminderung bei der Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe (DE)
TIC Determination in Amine Scrubbing Solutions for Efficiency Control of CO2 Emission Reduction from Fossil Fuel Combustion (EN)
Waste Characterization for Landfill Classification - Determination of TOC/DOC According to DIN EN 1484 in Waste Eluates and Landfill Leachates (EN)
Charakterisierung von Abfällen zur Deponieklassenzuordnung – Bestimmung des TOC/DOC nach DIN EN 1484 in Abfall-Eluaten und Deponiesickerwasser (DE)
化石燃料の燃焼によるCO2 排出削減の効率制御のためのアミンスクラビング溶液中のTIC測定 (JP)
Nutzen der TIC-Analytik beim Lithium-Akku-Recycling zur Lithium-Rückgewinnung (DE)
Benefits of TIC analysis in lithium battery recycling for Lithium recovery (EN)
Bestimmung des TOC in festen Abfällen (DE)
Determination of TOC in Solid Waste (EN)
TOC Determination in Sea Water in Accordance with DIN EN ISO 20236 (EN)
TOC-Bestimmung in Meerwasser nach DIN EN ISO 20236 (DE)
TNb-Bestimmung in Wasserproben der Umweltüberwachung gemäß DIN EN ISO 20236 (DE)
TNb determination in water samples for environmental monitoring in accordance with DIN EN ISO 20236 (EN)
DIN EN ISO 20236に準拠した海水中のTOC測定 (JP)
原油の脱塩工程に伴うブラインサンプルのTOC測定 (JP)
TOC Bestimmung in Rohwasser und Trinkwasser (DE)
Determination of Soil Microbial Biomass by TOC/TNb Measurement (EN)
TOC Determination in Brine Samples coming from Desalting Process (EN)
TOC Determination in Raw and Drinking Water (EN)
Determination of TOC in Agricultural Soil, Dried Manure, and Sediments (EN)
TOC-Bestimmung in Sole-Proben aus der Erdöl-Entsalzung (DE)
TOC Determination in Brine Samples coming from Desalting Process (EN)
Analysis of TOC/TN in Product Quality Monitoring of Hydrogen Peroxide (EN)
Bestimmung organischer Verunreinigungen (TOC) in Rohstoffen für die Kathodenherstellung für Lithium-Ionen Batterien (LIB) (DE)
Nutzen der TIC-Analytik beim Lithium-Akku-Recycling zur Lithium-Rückgewinnung (DE)
Benefits of TIC analysis in lithium battery recycling for Lithium recovery (EN)
Determination of Organic Impurities (TOC) In Raw Materials for Cathode Production in Lithium-Ion Batteries (EN)
TOC-Bestimmung in Sole-Proben aus der Erdöl-Entsalzung (DE)
DIN EN ISO 20236に準拠した海水中のTOC測定 (JP)
原油の脱塩工程に伴うブラインサンプルのTOC測定 (JP)
TOC Determination in Brine Samples coming from Desalting Process (EN)
Determination of TOC in Oil Shale (EN)
TOC-Bestimmung in Sole-Proben aus der Erdöl-Entsalzung (DE)
Determination of TOC in Ash, Slag, and Filter Dust (EN)
TIC-Bestimmung in Amin-Absorptionslösungen zur Effizienzsteuerung der CO2-Emissionsminderung bei der Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe (DE)
TIC Determination in Amine Scrubbing Solutions for Efficiency Control of CO2 Emission Reduction from Fossil Fuel Combustion (EN)
化石燃料の燃焼によるCO2 排出削減の効率制御のためのアミンスクラビング溶液中のTIC測定 (JP)
Bestimmung organischer Verunreinigungen (TOC) in Rohstoffen für die Kathodenherstellung für Lithium-Ionen Batterien (LIB) (DE)
Nutzen der TIC-Analytik beim Lithium-Akku-Recycling zur Lithium-Rückgewinnung (DE)
Benefits of TIC analysis in lithium battery recycling for Lithium recovery (EN)
Determination of Organic Impurities (TOC) In Raw Materials for Cathode Production in Lithium-Ion Batteries (EN)
multiWin pro Software
The new intuitive software multiWin pro is your user cockpit, with all vital information presented on a single screen. It monitors all key system parameters, clearly presents the measurement results and enables comfortable and targeted operation thanks to its automated, user-friendly workflows. It also offers optional data integrity functions in accordance with FDA 21 CRF Part 11.
The software includes the following features:
- Sequence table: Live results update, option to measure a single sample using different methods
- Calibration: Automatic calibration during the measurement sequence with the calibration evaluation applied to subsequent sample measurements
- Easy Cal: Multi-point calibration from a single standard, including blank correction
- Reporting: Data evaluation and generation of result reports during an ongoing sequence; user-specific choice of units
- Conversion functions: Conversion of TOC results into CSB and BSB5 equivalents, TIC values into CO2 levels, and total nitrogen results into total protein contents
- Self-diagnostics: Automatic and permanent leakage monitoring as well as monitoring of input pressure and internal device pressure, tracking of maintenance intervals, furnace and Peltier temperature, as well as detector status (self-check system)
- Data export: Automatic or manual in LIMS, CSV and PDF formats
FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance module for multiWin pro:
- 21 CFR Part 11-compliant user management with user roles and assignment of individual permissions
- Electronic signatures (3-stage) for release of calibration reports, methods and analysis results
- Active Directory connection
- Audit trail with comprehensive filtering function to track changes made by users
- Configurable password rules
- IQ, OQ and PQ documentation optimized for pharmaceutical applications
- Software validation documentation and service provision by our support team, including certificate
Title | Info |
Operating Manual HT 1300 (EN) | PDF, 30 MB |
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