Web Seminar: The Essence of AOX Sample Preparation November 24, 2022 - 10:00 am CET
Web Seminar: The Essence of AOX Sample Preparation
Angela Gröbel, Senior Product Manager
Christian Koch, Product Specialist
Contents of this web seminar
Duration: ~60 min
Language: English
The sum parameter AOX/TOX describes by definition the organically bound halogens, which can be adsorbed by activated carbon under certain conditions. The AOX is an excellent parameter for a quick estimation of the contamination of aqueous but also of solid samples. This makes it an important environmental parameter to determine water quality. Typical sample matrices are wastewaters, process waters, surface and drinking waters, as well as in sewage sludge, pulp and paper, etc.
The most important step in AOX analysis is the sample preparation - adsorption on activated carbon, either by column or batch method. It is important that only the organic halogen compounds remain on the activated carbon and all interfering compounds (e.g., inorganically bound halides) are removed before analysis. The separation of the inorganic halogen compounds is done with a subsequent washing step. In case of highly saline matrices, in addition solid phase extraction (SPE) can be used to get rid of the excess halides (e.g., ISO 9562; EPA 1650C, etc.).
This webinar is addressing lab managers and analytical chemists dealing with industrial wastewater control, wastewater management, and environmental protection. Besides an optimum sample preparation that can be used for any AOX analysis, also the pros and cons of column and batch method will be explained easily understandable.
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